Roger, this a superb post--comprehensive, even-handed, and spectacularly knowledgeable. It adds up to a thorough presentation of the current state of the Giants' player development in the broad context of the industry. Thank you.

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Thank you Erik. Trust me, the temptation to rip loose with some hot takes is definitely there, but I try to keep my head and empathize with the true complexities involved here. Something's gotta break soon though!

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"the Curse of George Genovese"

There is a movie script in there somewhere. Maybe kinda like Moneyball or something. Trouble is, there needs to be a happy ending.


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Excellent excellent excellent read overall! Thank you Roger!

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Great answer on the hitting development question.

I do wonder if having pitcher friendly stadiums relative to their league at nearly every stop on the line has some negative effect on our hitting prospects psychologically.

What I hope doesn't happen is that we give up on trying to crack the nut on developing hitting stars, and just rest on our laurels as a pitching dev org. Last year's draft was very encouraging in that regard.

I also share your concern on the inability for our team at every level (including the big club (cough, cough Chapman) to turn around good fastballs.

Finally I emphasize with my fellow downtrodden readers right about now. Watching our boys taking/flailing at fastballs down the middle at the MLB level for strike 3 at the same time as the playing rosters come out for AZL with no Arias and no Martin is a tough pill to swallow. Hard not to feel cursed at this moment in time.

This too shall pass?

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I will say that, other than Richmond, the stadiums are mostly not bad hitting environments (in fact, Eugene is quite good), they're just not as hitter friendly as some other parks in their league (and in San Jose's case, other than Stockton the most hitter friendly parks in that league are mostly gone).

That said, I think Oracle park is clearly part of the issue just as Safeco has to be a big part of the Mariners' terrible record in hitting development

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Fair point on Eugene relative to the league . Safe to say hitting in the April/May cold rain (which applies to the NWL writ large not just Eugene) is no walk in the park for any hitter. Just ask bailey and McCray!

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Roger, was hoping you could comment about two OF that I thought were going to be at the Majors this year—- Vaughn Brown and Wade Meckler. What happened to them?

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Hi David. Meckler has been injured all year so far. He had some wrist irritation in spring, and then was hit on the hand by a pitch in the SJ-Sac exhibition game and has been on the IL since then.

Brown has continued to struggle to make contact, a problem we saw from him last year as well. He, too, is currently on the IL

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Roger, it’s great you broke the story about Bryce being promoted but the other guy in San Jose is absolutely killing low A pitching -that being Lisbel Diaz. It would be great if you did a story about this young Cuban!!

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More discouraging news for our OF. Loved your response on our lack of homegrown OF talent in like the last 50 years!!

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May 7·edited May 7

I enjoyed the old West Wing reference, but I believe it's "Post hoc ergo propter hoc." My pedantry aside, thanks for your nuanced take on the hitting side of player development.

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Dang it!

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Should have taken Latin in college!

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