Roger - love the insight you provided on my SS question. I always learn so much from all your posts and would highly recommend anyone becoming a paid subscriber! Fascinating stuff about how rare elite SS's are. I really don't follow other teams so I appreciate hearing perspectives of how other teams deal with the position. And one quick add: I happened to hear Rich Aurelia on KNBR today. His opinion is Luciano is NOT a shortstop and went so far to say that perhaps SFG should move him to First,,,,yikes! Thanks again and perhaps we took BCraw a little too much for granted!!

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Thanks for another great mailbag, Roger. McCray's promotion is indeed puzzling, not in the least that SAC already has Bishop, Munguia, Matos, Fitzgerald, McKenna, Meckler (no doubt soon) as well the likes of Auerbach in the outfield...

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Another good one in the bag, Roger!(Or out of the bag?). It's always a bit gratifying having one's mailbag question answered..so thanks!

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